Visiting a new Buddhist temple

beautiful golden stupa

beautiful golden stupa

“Did you go to Thailand recently?”

“Is that the famous temple in Myanmar?”

Those are some of many questions asked by my friends after they saw the pictures above. What about you? Do you think that the building in the above picture is in Thailand or Myanmar, too? If that so, then you are wrong my dear friends. The building is in Indonesia. It is in North Sumatera to be precise, even it is not too far from Medan. You are not too wrong to think that the building is not in Indonesia, because the physical appearance of the building is like those in Myanmar. Yes, the building here is a replica of Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar, although the one in North Sumatera is not as big as the original one. The place is called Taman Alam Lumbini (Lumbini Natural Park). It is a Buddhist centre as well as the place for worship to the followers of Lord Buddha.

Taman Alam Lumbini was inaugurated with a great ceremony in October 2010. The ceremony itself was attended by more than 1300 monks and more than 200 lay people from various countries around the world.

The main building of Taman Alam Lumbini is a two storey building with a giant golden stupa above it. The stupa itself is 46.8 meters tall.

The building compound is surrounded by a brick wall with a very big gate. There are two pillars with dragons side by side the gate, and behind the gate there are two statues which depicting The Goddess of Mercy and Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva. There is also a tall pillar with small bells that tinkling loudly as the wind blows. Some similar small bells are also placed at the top of the main stupa.

Inside the wall, a beautiful garden with many Buddhist statues is surrounding the main building. Before the main building there is a plaza, which always crowded by visitors. There are also some stalls sell vegetarian foods in there.

In the main building, there is a giant hall with four marble Buddha statues facing to every cardinal directions. In front of every statue lay some cushions to be used by kneeling worshippers, and there are also four cone-shaped-rotated lamps which housing many small Buddha statues in the corner between every two marble statues.

Non Buddhist visitors are allowed to enter the hall, but they have to keep silent and not to disturb other people praying in there. To enter the hall, ones should take off their shoes. Taking pictures with other means than camera is not allowed in there.

Everybody is free to visit Taman Alam Lumbini. There are no tickets or admissions to enter the place, but please keep your manner and ethics while you are in the compound considering that the place is the place of worship.


Ringkasan :

Ketika pertama kali melihat foto-foto di atas tanpa membaca keterangannya, banyak teman menyangka bahwa foto-foto itu aku ambil di Thailand atau di Myanmar. Memang jadi tidak terlalu salah, mengingat bahwa bentuk bangunannya menyerupai bentuk bangunan-bangunan di sana. Tapi jangan salah lho, bangunan ini terletak di Indonesia, tepatnya di Sumatera Utara. Posisi tepatnya adalah di antara Berastagi dan Medan. Memang tidak tepat di tepi jalan raya yang menghubungkan kedua kota itu, tetapi dari jalan puncak stupa yang menjulang setinggi 46,8 meter itu kelihatan dengan jelas.

Bangunan yang merupakan replika Pagoda Shwedagon di Myanmar ini dinamakan Taman Alam Lumbini. Tempat ini dibangun untuk menjadi pusat Agama Buddha terbesar di Indonesia. Peresmiannya baru dilakukan pada akhir Oktober 2010 yang lalu, dengan dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1300 rahib dan lebih dari 200 perwakilan umat dari berbagai negara di dunia ini.

Kompleks Taman Alam Lumbini dikelilingi pagar tembok dengan sebuah gapura yang diapit pilar berwarna merah dan dililit oleh naga di kiri kanannya. Di belakang gapura tersebut, terdapat patung Dewi Welas Asih di satu sisi, sementara di sisi lainnya terdapat patung Boddhisatva Ksitigarba. Kalau kita melangkah melalui gapura, kita akan berada di sebuah pelataran luas di depan bangunan utama. Di sebelah kiri terdapat semacam tiang berwarna emas dengan patung-patung yang indah, dimana pada puncaknya tergantung lonceng-lonceng kecil yang akan bergemerincing akibat tiupan angin. Di puncak stupa di bangunan utama juga terdapat lonceng-lonceng kecil sejenis. Di salah satu sudut pelataran itu terdapat beberapa kios yang menjual aneka makanan vegetarian.

marble statue in the main hall

marble statue in the main hall

Bangunan utama di kompleks ini berbentuk sebuah aula besar yang terletak di bawah stupa. Di tengah aula terdapat empat patung Buddha yang terbuat dari batu marmer dan diletakkan menghadap ke empat arah mata angin. Di sudut-sudutnya, di antara dua patung Buddha, terdapat lampu berbentuk kerucut yang berputar dan didalamnya terdapat banyak sekali patung-patung Buddha berukuran kecil.

Semua orang, termasuk yang tidak beragama Buddha, diperkenankan berkunjung ke Taman Alam Lumbini, bahkan sampai masuk ke dalam bangunan utamanya. Untuk masuk tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hanya saja kita diminta untuk melepas alas kaki jika ingin memasuki bangunan utamanya. Selain itu, kita juga harus tenang dan menjaga kesopanan karena banyak juga orang yang berdoa di situ. Anehnya, kalau biasanya diberbagai tempat lain pengunjung dilarang memotret mempergunakan kamera, khususnya kamera-kamera serius (SLR), di sini justru sebaliknya. Pengunjung dilarang memotret mempergunakan kamera yang terdapat di handphone ataupun di perangkat lainny.–

Categories: Travel Pictures | Tags: , , , | 97 Comments

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97 thoughts on “Visiting a new Buddhist temple

  1. Penasaran pas waisak rame gak ya di sono?

  2. ke-keren!!! ternyata ada pagoda dan wihara sekeren itu di Indonesia! SUPER!

  3. wah saya jg termasuk org yg mengira itu di Thailand, Mas..
    Berarti di tempat ini yg diperbolehkan cm motret dg kamera sj ya?

  4. Dunia Ely

    terlihat sekali kalau tempatnya dirawat dgn baik ya mas 🙂

    • Betul Mbak. Mungkin karena merupakan tempat ibadah juga. Para satpamnya juga cukup tegas. Waktu itu ada sepasang remaja yang foto sambil peluk-pelukan di situ dan langsung ditegur serta diminta segera keluar.

      • Dunia Ely

        Wow …. keren juga kl bgt mas satpamnya, biasanya yg spt yg mengelola pinter ya mas 😛

      • Iya, mudah-mudahan saja bisa dipertahankan begitu terus

  5. Chris, bunga-bunga pada gambar terakhir cantik-cantik, itu asli ya?.

  6. From the golden ornaments to the Buddha among the greenery–beautiful!

  7. petit4chocolatier

    Chris, these pictures are magnificent. The small bells on the top of the pole all the way to the marble statute are exquisite! Thank you for taking the time to share this. Your summary is wonderful 🙂

  8. I really like buddhist temples in Thailand. They are magic for me. I can’t say the same about buddhist temples on Sri Lanka, they are totally different.
    Btw, photo IMG_TAL01 is amazing – it looks dramatic with those clouds…

  9. Ckckckck,, megah banget tempatnya

  10. Weleh! Kirain habis dari Thailand, mas. Tahunya masih di SUMUT. Warnanya mateng! Dimasak pake apaan sih:D

  11. wah… jauh aja nih mas Christ jalan2nya.
    makasih mas. keren itu fotonya. jadi tahu ada di mana aja. 🙂

  12. Cantiknya.. Walau bukan umat Buddha aku suka suasana kuil yang tenang menyejukkan deh 🙂

  13. hope to see it directly..))

  14. > – < Oh my , You got me, I really did think it looks so "Thailand" at the very first glance !

    The place is so gorgeous, Thanks for sharing , Chris ^ – ^ !

    • Before I knew about the place, I guessed the same as you did when one of my friend showed me his picture in front of the temple 🙂

  15. Hah.. kok aturannya kebolak Mas??
    bener itu gak kayak di Indonesia.. 😀

    • Itulah yang bikin aku bingung, sampai waktu itu aku sempet negasin lagi sama petugasnya kalau dia gak salah menjelaskan aturan memotret di dalam situ 🙂

      • Takut hasil fotonya gak bagus kali Mas.. :p
        *kayak dosenku aja, gak percaya klo ditunjukin hasil foto dr HP, dianggepnya pasti gak bagus*

      • Mungkin kuatir ada orang yang motret sambil telpon-telponan, kan di situ banyak juga yang lagi berdoa. Jadi kuatir mengganggu aja rasanya.

  16. Absolutely amazing pictures! I never even thought about Buddhist temples being different by each country, even though I’ve been to many in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Mongolia. Good post.

    • So . . based on your experience in visiting those countries, are the Buddhist temples in those countries similar, or each has its own uniqueness?

      • They are very different, especially when it comes to the colours and decoration. I just never stopped to think about it!

      • I think, the differences are caused by local cultures. It also happen to other religion’s places of worship as well. Although there are some basic structures, the local cultures add some aspects which make the structure in a region unique.

  17. I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. If you want to accept it please visit this link
    Congrats !

  18. Wow! Chris, these are fantastic photo’s. Thank you for sharing your work and for enlightening us with your knowledge of the temple. Love it!


  19. Lovely photos, Chris. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful colours.

  20. I get frustrated by all these religions that spend millions and millions of dollars building such monstrous structures. If there is a God or Supreme Being out there, I really hope that s/he would rather see us spending our money to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and heal the sick. I think all of these religions, bar none, should be embarrassed by the structures they build.

    • I agree with you Russel. There are more people that need the fund for their basic need than people that “need” the fund just to show their existence

  21. paranoiasnfm


  22. sebelum kubaca tulisannya, tak kirain di Thailand eh ternyata di Sumut 🙂 fotonya bagus mas (seperti biasa), tapi saya setuju juga dengan komentar om Russel Ray diatas 🙂

  23. bapak jalan2 trus, baru ndak ngajak2 saya. hehehehe

  24. Exquisitte photography! My heart be still

  25. Super Bilder, schön–
    Gruß, Wolfgang

  26. buburasem

    pingin banget ke thailand om. ajakin kapan-kapan ya hehe

  27. Ya ampun bagus banget. Kalo ke Medan harus ke sini nih! Eh iya aneh juga ya peraturannya, gak boleh pake hape 😛 btw, salam kenal, salam ‘pemulung’!!! 🙂

  28. What a fantastic post Chris. Thank you for this beauty. 🙂

  29. Larasati

    kenapa gak boleh menggunakan kamera hape yah utk motret ?

  30. Larasati

    kalau mau berpergian kek nya kudu baca blog nya om cris nih, kompliiiittttttttt………………

  31. JK Bevill - Lost Creek Publishing

    Reblogged this on lost creek publishing.

  32. Nice sharing mas… dua jempol… 😛

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