christmas tree

My dear friends . . . . ,

On this special occasions, allow me to say

Merry Christmas

May The Lord always surround you with His love


May peace come upon us all

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65 thoughts on “MERRY CHRISTMAS

  1. Grazie! Auguri di buone feste anche a te e ai tuoi cari!

  2. What a beautiful tree….Merry Christmas to you and yours also!

  3. selamat berhari raya pa kris.

  4. Merry Christmas mas Khris, blessed be.

    Warm wishes,

  5. Merry Christmas fulfilled with peace and happiness…

  6. Interesting idea.

  7. Merry Christmas!

  8. petit4chocolatier

    Beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!!

  9. Merry Christmas to you… And other

  10. Ely Meyer

    foto lokasinya nih di mana ya mas ?

    selamat menikmati liburan bersama keluarga

    • Terimakasih, Mbak.
      Maksud Mbak foto Christmas tree yang aku pasang ini? Kalau iya, itu aku ambil di salah satu hotel di Hanoi pas aku kesana.

      • Ely Meyer

        iya mas … kukira di tanah air lokasinya

        Selamat merayakan Natal bersama keluarga di sana ya mas

    • Sebetulnya di tanah air juga banyak yang bagus, Mbak. Cuma kebetulan aja aku gak sempat motretnya kali ini.
      Terimakasih untuk ucapannya, Mbak 🙂

  11. Sid Dunnebacke

    Happy Christmas to you and your family as well!

  12. Merry christmas. .

  13. Merry Christmas Chris, and God bless us one and all.

  14. There is an Online Christmas Party at Marsha Lee’s Blog! Celebrating my birthday and Christmas! Feel free to stop by and celebrate!
    Merry Christmas!
    Renee 🙂

  15. Merry Christmas too Kak Kris!!! 😀

  16. Merry Christmas Chris!

  17. Fantastic! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  18. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🙂

  19. Margaret Sullivan

    Happy New Year and a big hug.

  20. Happy new year to you too Mas Khris…., may lots of happiness be yours.Thanks for your beautiful thoughts and illustrations this year. All the best.

    Warm wishes.

  21. Auguri di un buon anno 2013!!

  22. Hohohohohoho! Meri Krismas, Mas Crhis. Raiming ya.

  23. Beautiful picture. Best wishes for a wonderful 2013. Thanks for all your visits in 2012. I look forward to getting better acquainted in 2013. 🙂 Marsha 🙂

  24. that’s quite lovely.. happy new year, chris! i hope you’re having a fantastic start at 2013!

  25. wow,luarbiasa keindahan alamnya menakjubkan mata.

  26. selamat natal mas.. *telat ya ucapinnya* hehe 😀
    semoga damai selalu menyertai, dan selamat tahun baru.. berkah selalu di tahun baru ini 😉

  27. el comentario que sale aquí es del otro post, no se porque sale aquí también, ¡Feliz Año 2013!!

  28. it’s too late for Merry Christmas.. but Happy New Year still works! 😉 So Happy New Year to You!!

  29. Long time to see Chris13jkt ^ – ^ so sorry for saying this late, anyway, wish you a merry christmas and wonderful coming 365 days !

    • Hello Yin, I think it is never too late to express something good 🙂
      So, I also wish you a peaceful Christmas and a bright new year!

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