There is a stone bird guards a pretty beach

Around 15 minutes ride by car to the west of Tanjong Tinggi, travelers can find another pretty beach known as Tanjong Kelayang. The beach is located in a peninsula. It has a combination of white sandy beach in the eastern part and big granite rocks studded beach, like that in Tanjong Tinggi, in the western part of the beach.

Unlike Tanjong Tinggi, the beach of Tanjong Kelayang is not crowded by swimming visitors, but it is full of sampan which can be rented by travelers who want to visit many islands and islets located off the shore of Belitong.

do you see the stone bird in the background?

Off the shore of Tanjong Kelayang there is a rock island in the shape of a very big bird. The locals believe that the rock bird once was actually a giant eagle that came to the place to guard the people live in the peninsula against any threats came from the ocean. In local language, eagle also known as Burung Kelayang (kelayang bird). So that is why the peninsula which is located not too far from the rock island is called Tanjong Kelayang (tanjong or tanjung can be translated literally as peninsula). The rock island itself is known as Batu Garuda or the eagle rock.

As I mentioned before, Tanjong Kelayang is also become the starting point for any travelers who want to go to nearby islands and islets, either for exploring the islands or snorkeling in many spots not too far from Tanjong Kelayang. One of the best spot for snorkeling is under the Batu Garuda.

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48 thoughts on “There is a stone bird guards a pretty beach

  1. Kayaknya gak perlu snorkeling, dasar lautnya juga kelihatan ya?? Jernih banget nget nget!!

  2. petit4chocolatier

    So incredible!

  3. Really beautiful beach…Thanks for sharing it with us…

  4. Ely Meyer

    Membayangkan mas andai aku berada di sana sama suamiku pasti betah deh dan mikir mikir kalau mau pulang 😀

    seperti biasanya fotonya cantik cantik mas 🙂

  5. Another beautiful place. I love what we call ‘glassy waters’. Calm.smooth and reflective. It is so peaceful and still. Thanks! 🙂

  6. Pantainya berbatu-batu ya pak. Kayaknya t4nya asyik nich

  7. wah selalu mempesona nih foto-fotonya mas krishna. Luar biasa deh jempol buat mas 😀

  8. Wowwww! Makin banyak postingannya. Semangaattt!

  9. Bagus banget.
    Mas kalau ke sana backpacker-an, kira2 budgetnya harus siap berapa ya?

    • Waduh berapa ya? Disana yang repot transportasinya karena gak ada kendaraan umum ke obyek-obyek yg di luar kota. Kalau cuma untuk makan sih relatiflah. Penginapan juga banyak, tinggal kita mau yang budget berapa.

      • ooo gitu ya mas.
        kalau teman pernah bilang bisa sampai 500rb untuk penyebrangan, benarkah?

    • Wah sorry, kalau lewat laut aku kurang tahu. Waktu aku kesana kebetulan dapat ticket promo pesawat, kalau aku gak salah ingat, pulang pergi 520 rb. Kalau boleh saran, kesana jangan sendiri. Lebih baik berombongan, jadi sewa kendaraannya bisa murah jatuhnya.

  10. your photos are stunning, as always! ^^

  11. Could do with some of those blue skies here in England right now…

  12. Sid Dunnebacke

    Gorgeous photos, as usual! I’m curious what wildlife you might find there, too. Probably the wildlife that’s on vacation…

  13. You pictures are stunning. As miniatures they looked liked paintings, and I had to explore to see if they were really photographs. Amazing! I’m afraid I need a map to see where you are, but I’m ready to visit! Thanks for visiting my site and leading me bak here!!! I’ll be following.

  14. merinding lihat foto2 disini om, soale top markotop

  15. kok bisa ngepasi warna kapal dan birunya laut

  16. Oo di Belitung toh. Sungu indah tempatnya, airnyapun jernih, masukin ke list tempat yg harus dikunjungi :).

  17. Beautiful shots!!

  18. Foto2nya bagus sekali. Yang judulnya ‘Behind the Eagle Rock’ favorit saya. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  19. Yes, I see the stone bird out there! I saw a driftwood bird on the beach on the island of Kauai. From a distance , I thought it was actually a real pelican, but then I was told that type of bird is not found in the Hawaiian. When I got closer, it was clear to see that it was just a very interesting piece of wood.

    • Ah you’re right Mary. The driftwood really looked like a pelican. How wonderful mother nature if she want to show us her artworks

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